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Writing for your website

Writing for a website is different than writing for a blog page, newsletter, press release, article or any other form of content.  Why? Because people are scanners and if they don’t find what they are looking for in like umm…five seconds (and I’m being generous here) they are gone. Vamos! Hasta la vista.

So how do you grab them and keep them on your page?

Your home page is your shop front. Greengrocer, Baker, Candlestick maker. remember the old days? Your home page should say what you do instantly. No point in introducing yourself in a long-winded way, they’ll be gone remember? Five seconds or less. Combine short copy with enticing images.

How are you different?

Your home page needs to say how you are different from the competition and why the customer should use you over anyone else. That’s it. Short and to the point. No more than one-two sentences to grab their attention and invite them in to look around your site (shop).

Once they are on your website

Inside website pages are there to sell your product or service. Focus on your customer pain points and solve them. Use headlines and subheaders every 200 or so words to make it easy to scan read.


Have clear sections to direct your customers to the relevant pages. Clarity is paramount. Make it as easy and as short a journey as possible for your customer to see what they want and then buy from you.


Make sure to include your keywords and key phrases (so Google can rank you) and short, easy to read paragraphs of two-three sentences together with lots of images showing your product or service.

Talk about your businesses attributes and be engaging, people don’t want to be bored by your robotic copy they will switch off.

And Finally

Proofread and check for grammar errors. There is nothing worse than reading lousy spelling and grammar on a website, it sends the message that you’re shoddy and unprofessional. Get someone else to proofread and edit the copy before you publish.

Good luck.

Need help with writing your website copy? Lisa is a freelance content and copywriter for businesses in areas such as lifestyle, outdoor, tourism and marine. Use the contact form below…


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